Sunday, March 17, 2013

polka dots bag


            I  saw this bag i feel attract because its cute. This bag have no name but you can name it as polka dots bag because of  the design of  it.This bag you can use it for just going hang.out because it have small size. I think the things that can be fit in that bag is only 2  shirts. Now in our generation we can use polka dots even 

 its not new year as long  it fashion. If you use this bag you look like kikay and fashionable. Some of the ladies now love cute, cute phones,laptops etc. So we cant question our self if their lot of girl buy this kind if bag. Even it cute its tough.

             This bag is only 479.00 pesos. We can buy it on gaisano city in 2nd floor, lot of bag was was their. It made of cloth it have different colors pink,red,sky blue,black,yellow and red.

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